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Landform Strategic Management Ltd

Landform works in partnership with landowners to secure planning permission. In 2014 we secured planning permission for more than 1,000 new homes - a success rate of over 85%. By only sharing in the final land sale receipt, we share the same incentive as the landowner to achieve the highest value for each scheme and reduce costs We are able to maintain this successful track record, even for the most difficult and complex sites, by considering the needs of the local community and taking the impact of the projects into account. In Aylsham, for example, the permission for 300 new homes will also deliver new academic and sporting facilities for the High School, a £1.4m fitness and community centre, a modernised swimming pool and car park for the local community. Landform is pioneering self and custom build homes as there are advantages for landowners, home buyers and local communities. Michael Falcon of Falcon Property Solutions says “I’m impressed with Landform’s ability to win planning approval. They’ve earned the trust of many councils for all types of large residential and commercial sites.” Our business is growing and we welcome enquiries from landowners, agents and investors. If your sale or option agreement is about to expire, or if you have a site with potential, then please contact us. We will be happy to pay agent introduction fees




513 Clerkenwell Workshops
27-31 Clerkenwell Close
Greater London

Our Regions

  • London