Future New Homes Meeting

2 May, 2018 (10 a.m. - 1 p.m.)

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Future New Homes Meeting

The Future New Homes Meeting is a sub-group of the NTSC and has been formed to discuss and inform industry highways related topics and meets 3 times a year at HBF’s London Office. These meetings are open to all our members so if you would like to attend please contact Emeline Serex.

I will develop the terms of reference at our first meeting in the New Year so we can add this to the website in due course.

Email: emeline.serex@hbf.co.uk

Tel: 020 7960 1607

FPNH Agenda 02.05.18 Member Only

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HBF FPNHG meeting notes - 02.05.18 Member Only

- 73.7 KB


Energy Storage by design PR4 Member Only

- 1.7 MB


HBF BEAMA Presentation 02.05.18 Member Only

- 447.6 KB


HBF NEF Presentation 02.05.18 Member Only

- 3.8 MB
