Cancelled - Southern Technical Meeting 13 July 20

13 July, 2020 (1 p.m. - 3 p.m.)

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Southern Technical

Regional Technical Meetings (RTM) are arranged by the HBF within each of the 8 regions twice a year. The agenda is based around the NTSC agenda with the addition of regional items/matters.

Regional items/matters are monitored closely. If there is a likelihood that any of these could become a national issue they are taken back to the next NTSC meeting for discussion at a national level. As with NTSC meetings Health and Safety is an agenda item. Sometimes a guest speaker is invited to these meetings on a topic that is either topical or on the agenda. Speaker suggestions come mainly from members.

These meetings are aimed at the more hands on Technical directors/managers of member companies within the regions. Note The 2-way flow of information between NTSC and RTM is an important and vital interconnect. As such the structure and format for these two groups is very important to HBF members.


Tel: 020 7960 1619

Southern Regional Summery & Update June 2020.pdf Member Only

- 443.2 KB
