Industry Attraction and Skills

Working together to attract and develop the home building industry's talent

The Home Builders Federation is committed to supporting the home building industry to overcome challenges in attracting talent and developing skills within the workforce, and, in doing so, progressing the culture of the sector.

Through our skills partnership, our team brings together home builders, the supply chain and key stakeholders to collaborate on initiatives and influence policy that leads to real change.

Home Building Skills Sector Plan

Our Sector Plan draws from successive business plans, and is shaped by representatives across HBF membership, including six of the UK's largest home builders.

Our members continue to be influential in the design and application of the proposed activities, and have agreed several key priorities which this plan is centred around.

These priorities have been framed under three workstreams:

  • Resolving productivity and labour shortages
  • Future proofing skills and competence
  • Attracting and developing an inclusive talent pipeline

Our work

We work closely with home builders, the supply chain companies and industry training bodies to address common challenges in recruiting and developing the workforce. Our focus stretches beyond traditional training and upskilling to include equality, diversity and inclusion, and employee wellbeing initiatives. This is delivered under two core workstreams: talent attraction and skills and development.

Talent attraction

Find out more about our latest initiatives and view key resources to attract an inclusive talent pipeline and tackle labour shortages.

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Skills and development

From free training for home builders and the supply chain to securing funding for training hubs, find out how we're helping to develop an inclusive workforce.

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Get involved: Help shape our work

The Home Builders Federation operates a broad range of working groups and committees to address issues of concern to the industry or a significant group of members. The HBF currently manages a number of groups specifically focused on addressing challenges and issues connected to attracting, developing and nurturing the workforce that are open for members to join.