Women into home building

In 2022, HBF and a network of home builders developed a programme in partnership with Women into Construction to address the gender imbalance in the construction workforce, which currently sees just 16% female representation.

Apply for the programme

If you're interested in learning more about the programme and applying for a future cohort, visit Women into Construction's website.

Visit Women into Construction

The Women into Home Building programme


More than 160 women engaged


69 participants received career support


Almost 50 work placements secured

Figures from year 1 of the programme.

About the programme

The Women into Home Building scheme has been created and fully funded by national and regional home builder brands. The three-week programme has been designed to connect prospective employers with future candidates, provide practical experience and increase awareness of site management careers to a new talent pool.

The programme has been designed to help address some of the barriers to women entering the industry by, for example, offering support to cover childcare and travel costs while candidates are on placement.

The programme includes:

  • Online information session and a virtual site visit
  • 5-day online insight week to train and equip participants with required knowledge
  • Personal development sessions to support participants to apply for trainee roles
  • An introduction to health and safety in construction
  • Insights into modern methods of home building
  • Two-week work placements on a local working site
  • 1-2-1 support, provided by Women into Construction, including childcare and transport costs covered whilst on placement

Get involved

To find out more about opportunities for your organisation to join the next Women into Home Building programme or future initiatives, contact the Home Building Skills Partnership Team.

Women into Home building

Visit Women Into Construction's website for more information on the latest programme and the downloadable brochure.