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HBF is the voice of the home building industry in England and Wales. Our members deliver around 80% of the new homes built each year.
The challenges currently facing the industry are significant. The Government has set the industry a target of delivering 3 million new homes needed by the country by 2020. At the same time debate goes on about changes to the planning system; how to achieve zero carbon homes; the tariff which developers will contribute to help fund local infrastructure and the issue of affordability. All this in an uncertain economy.
We represent our members' interests on a national and regional level to create the best possible climate in which they can deliver the homes this country needs.
HBF members range from household multinational names to smaller local businesses, and include RSLs, suppliers and companies who provide professional services to the home building industry.
More than ever before, HBF is making a difference and delivering real tangible benefits that could be vital to the success of your business.