2023 SME Housebuilder Survey now live We are pleased to announce that our 2023 SME Housebuilder Survey, released in partnership with Close Brothers Property Finance and Travis Perkins, is live and open for responses.Now in its fourth year, the survey is one of the most comprehensive studies of SME housebuilders in the UK. The findings are used to inform the ‘SME State of Play report’, which examines the opportunities and challenges facing small and medium home builders.Last year’s ‘State of Play’ report found:Securing and processing planning permission to the point where construction work can start is the major barrier to growth according to 93% of SME developersThe availability of land is a major issue for 52% of SME builders76% believe Local Authority staffing shortages are the main cause of delays in the processRising material (99%) and energy (88%) costs are a major concern for companiesOver two-thirds are impacted by the ‘nutrients’ issue that is restricting development in more than a quarter of England’s local authority areas92% of SMEs are unhappy with the Government’s current approach on housingThis year’s State of Play SME housebuilder survey covers topics such as planning, sustainability, development finance, the Government’s approach to housebuilding, and skills and training.The results of the survey will inform the next SME State of Play report, in partnership with Travis Perkins and Close Brothers Property finance.This survey is now closed.