Career conversations, Zara Barrow, Group Construction Director at Redrow

8 Mar, 2023
Zara Barrow Redrow.png
Zara Barrow

An interest in the site activity around her own new build home sparked the beginning of Zara Barrow’s career in homebuilding. Now the Group Construction Director at Redrow, Zara shares her career journey and advice for those starting theirs.

Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about your role?

My role as Group Construction Director is very varied but ultimately, I provide support and guidance to all of our construction teams across our operating divisions. I have tried to increase communication, standardisation and consistency through many documents and guidance. I am part of many companywide projects to provide a construction input and voice, and to provide data and feedback from construction teams back in to the company.

How did you end up working in homebuilding?

After uni, I still didn’t know what I wanted to do. I was living in a new build apartment and was interested in what was going on, so I applied for the graduate programme at Barratt. It was a rotational programme but I loved being out on site and was lucky enough to get a job as an assistant site manager once my graduate programme had finished.

What were your first steps when leaving school?

I went to University to study Business Studies as that is what I enjoyed at A-Level. As I didn’t have a known career path I think the fact that I kept my options open helped me

What qualifications have you achieved?

I have 10 GCSEs, 4 A levels, and a 2:1 degree. During my career I have completed various industry related qualifications; SMSTS, NVQ L4 and 7, CMI leadership, CIOB Chartered status, first aid, mental health first aid.

What’s been your career highlight to date?

Winning an NHBC Pride in the Job Seal of Excellence was a massive career highlight for me – to be recognised in the industry as having a site that is well run with great quality was so rewarding. Particularly as a woman, as we are still in the minority in this industry.

What has been the most valuable lesson you have learned along the?

Always be open to learn. Be inquisitive, ask questions, listen and take everything in. I’ve learned that myself from experiences along the way and it enables me to continue to grow. I would also say that maintaining honesty and integrity is very important – and to be humble.

What progress have you seen on gender equality in the home building industry?

There has been huge progress from when I first started in 2007. I was the only female in construction at the company at the time and even when I joined Redrow in 2013 there was only a couple of us.

Now we have quite a few site personnel that are female, along with apprentices and trainees. There has been a lot more focus on women in construction which has helped enormously.

What more could be done to encourage more women to the?

We need to get into schools earlier and educate young girls that construction/housebuilding should be an option. They need to hear from role models with their examples. Work experience is also important as is highlighting the career options at school age and as available qualifications.

What one piece of advice would you give to women considering or starting out in a career in homebuilding today?

It doesn’t matter what gender you are, what age you are, what sexual orientation you are ... if you want to explore a career in housebuilding then go for it! If you are right for the job then you will succeed.

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