HBF responds to CMA Housing Market report After a year-long investigation, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has concluded that the planning system and under resourced planning departments are the key barriers to housing delivery.In its report, published Monday 26 February 2024, the CMA also concludes – in line with numerous previous independent investigations - that land banking is a result of the complex planning system, rather than a deliberate industry practice.Amongst the report’s recommendations, the CMA calls for councils to be required to adopt amenities provided as part of housing developments. It also recommends mandating a single consumer code and New Homes Ombudsman to offer greater protection for homeowners. The Home Builders Federation (HBF) supports both of these recommendations.In response to the published report, HBF issued the following statement:“We wholeheartedly support the recommendation that councils adopt and maintain the amenities housebuilders deliver as part of the development, which is what residents pay their council tax for. “Home builders do not want to be long term managers of estates and make absolutely no profit from the management companies that are required to be put in place.“We welcome recognition that the quality of new build homes has improved in recent years and fully support moves to protect consumers with a single consumer code and New Homes Ombudsman, something the majority of the industry has already signed up for voluntarily.“We are committed to working with the CMA and Government to introduce their recommendations and ensuring we can create an environment within which we can deliver the homes the country needs.”A summary of the report findings is available for HBF members.