HBF responds to Government's latest announcement on changes to planning policy to support brownfield development The Government has proposed changes to national planning policy intended to support further housebuilding on brownfield sites. The key proposal is to introduce a presumption in favour of brownfield development in the 20 urban uplift areas when housebuilding drops below expected levels.As part of the announcement, the Government has instructed local authorities in England to be 'less bureaucratic and more flexible in applying policies'.In response to the announcement, the Home Builders Federation issued the following statement to the media:“Whilst welcoming moves to bring brownfield land through for development more quickly, this consultation announcement will do little to tackle our housing crisis."It comes just weeks after Ministers capitulation to the NIMBY wing of the party with the removal of housing targets, that could see supply drop by 77,000 homes a year and has already seen over 60 Local Authorities withdraw their housing plans."It is also the first time in decades there is no Government support in place for first time buyers, preventing young people from getting onto the housing ladder."If we are to reverse the sharp falls in housing supply we are now seeing, we need some serious joined up policies, not tinkering around the edges.”Read the member briefing for full details on what was announced.