David O'Leary - HBF

David O'Leary

Executive Director

David O’Leary is an Executive Director of the Home Builders Federation and leads on policy matters, research and government relations. He joined HBF in 2013 and became a board member in 2023. He has led on a range of work including the development of policy proposals to address the long-term decline of SMEs in the sector. More recently, David represented HBF in negotiations with the Government on the Building Safety Self-Remediation Pledge which was subsequently signed more than 50 developers and headed up engagement with the Competition and Markets Authority through the course of its 12-month Market Study on Housebuilding during 2023/24. This work included authoring a 75-year history of the home building industry.

Before joining HBF a decade ago he held a range of roles, advising Conservative frontbench politicians on housing and culture policy and spent time in local government where he worked on government relations, business rate reform and housing policy.