HBF's blueprint for the next government

Home building: An engine for growth, prosperity and opportunity

Home builders are on the front line of addressing the housing crisis, driving innovation and creating vibrant new communities.

Delivering more new, energy efficient homes and sustainable neighbourhoods also helps unlock growth and prosperity for communities around the country.

However, housing costs in Britain now exceed those in major economies in Europe and the rest of the world, meaning that the inability to build the homes the country needs is having a profound impact on economic productivity and the life chances of the population.

A blueprint for a brighter future


Housing the Nation: Homes to meet the needs of the country

Housing costs are at an all-time high, but this is the first time in a generation that first-time buyers are without market support. Affordable, high quality new homes of all tenures are needed to address the housing crisis.


Increasing housing supply: Establishing a clearer policy landscape

The country is not planning for enough new homes. The planning system has consistently failed to offer the right incentives and sanctions for councils to maintain up-to-date policies that ensure housing needs are met.


Fixing the planning process: Tackling systemic issues hindering delivery

At a local level, the actual process of taking a site through the planning process has never been more costly, risky or complex. Delays and uncertainty in planning timescales and decision-making is the single biggest reason why SME house builders struggle.


Greener growth: Building blocks for high quality, green homes

New skills are required to build and service the homes of the future, and will provide a pathway to effective retrofit opportunities for existing homes. The new homes shortage and our sector’s ambitions provides opportunity for Britain to be a world leader in new green jobs and technologies.


Unblocking the housing pipeline: Finding a resolution to nutrient neutrality

The acute shortage of homes has been exacerbated by a disproportionate moratorium on new housing that have been in place in 74 local authority areas for 5 years, preventing the delivery of more than 160,000 homes.

Read our extended blue print for home building

Read our housing manifesto

Our asks of the next government

Party Policies on Housing

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