Planning Groups

HBF's planning groups aim to update members on the work of HBF, identify issues that require HBF support/joint member activity, spread knowledge relating to key national & local issues, and bring members together for networking.

Get involved in our Planning Groups and contribute towards progression in home building

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National Planning Committee

The National Planning Committee (NPC) meets four times every year to shape and endorse HBF positions on identified key issues; formulate responses to government consultations and identify current and future issues and put plans in place to address them.

In order to be representative of the diversity and operating environments of the entire membership the 24 members of NPC comprise the HBF team (x5), Regional Chairs (x7), representatives of major homebuilders (x6) and representatives of other members (x6). Membership of NPC will next be refreshed at the end of 2025.

Local planning