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House building brings many community benefits. Research commissioned by the HBF has identified some of the key benefits building new homes can generate for the national and regional economy as well as for a local community’s wellbeing and sustainability.
The HBF Housing Calculator allows you to easily calculate the benefits that building new homes will bring to your community. Simply enter a number in the field below to calculate what the estimated knock-on benefits to the economy and local community are of building that many homes.
Want to know more about the research? The Economic Footprint of House Building in England and Wales report provides an in-depth analysis of the contribution of house building to the economy of England and Wales.
Support the employment of 0 people
Provide 0 apprentices, graduates or trainees
Increase open space, community sport, leisure spending by £0
Generate £0 towards new affordable housing
Generate £0 towards infrastructure including £0 towards new and improved schools.
Generate £0 in tax revenue
Including £0 in council tax revenue
*Based on Table 122 Net additional dwellings by local authority district, England 2022-23 (
An increase open space, community sport, leisure spending by £0
Generate £0 towards The Housing Calculator requires javascript to run Please turn on javascript in your browser or consider upgrading to a newer version
Generate £0 towards towards infrastructure including £0towards new and improved schools.
Generate £0 towards infrastructure including £0 education spending.