Latest News

The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

PPG3: Housing

Planning Policy Guidance Note 3 - Housing, DETR, March 2000

East Hants DIstrict Council`s draft SPG on Access for Disabled People, November 2000

HBF representation on East Hants DC`s consultation draft SPG on design and access for deiabled people in new development.

Hampshire County Council`s consultation paper on monitoring & implementing Policy H4 of the Structure Plan, September 2000

HBF comments on HCC`s consultation paper on how Policy H4 of the Structure Plan ( regarding the release of the `reserve sites` ) might be implemented.

Euro Ruling Wrecks Britain's Urban Regeneration Hopes

The European Union scraps GAP funding for the cleaning up and redevelopment of derelict land

Eastbourne Borough Council`s draft SPG on Energy Efficient Development, September 2000

HBF`s representations on Eastbourne Borough Council`s draft SPG on energy efficiency in new developments.

Nimby Attitude Ruins Hopes Of An Urban Regeneration

Councils adopting a nimby attitude are limiting development on brownfiled sites - increasing pressure on the countryside and limiting urban renaissance

Worthing Statement of Community Involvement June 2005

HBF has submitted comments on Worthing's draft SCI

HBF Briefing Paper on Affordable Housing for March Planning meeting

HBF prepared a briefing paper on Affordable Housing for the March Planning meeting. For a copy of the paper and a list of affordabel housing requirements …